ProChip loop/BibTag Antenna detection test

Written by mylaps | Mar 1, 2023 2:46:38 PM

How to test your MYLAPS ProChip Loop/ BibTag Antenna

Why it's important to test your loop regularly.

Even though your ProChip (Loop) System is made of high-quality materials, it's unavoidable that some wear will occur on parts of the equipment. This is caused by using the system, people stepping/running on the loops, and weather conditions. Prepare yourself for the new season by executing a loop test and avoid unforeseen surprises at your first event of the year. Tip: perform the test twice a year, so also halfway through the season. There are two methods for checking the system, a height test, and a distance test. A broken loop can be detected by performing just one of these two tests, but it's recommended to complete both.

Distance test

1. Prepare your setup

Layout your mats or loop like you normally would. Define the left, center, and right positions of your timeline.


2. Mark the start position

Walk towards the loop, and mark where the ProChip/BibTag is detected first. Do this at knee height for PoChip and Shoulder height for BibTag.

3. Execute test

Repeat this process on the three zones of the loop, (left, center, right) with a ProChip or tag at around knee height. Where the chip is detected first is where you put a mark on the ground. Repeat this for all the zones. Found a big difference in where the chip is detected first? Then you might have a break in the loop.


Height Test

If you’ve finished the distance test without problems and want to double-check your timeline, perform the Height Test.

1. Prepare your setup

Layout your mats or loop like you normally would. Define the left, center, and right positions of your timeline.

2. Define the start position

Define the start position of your test. Hold the chip just above your head, for example.

3. Execute test

Slowly lower the chip. Take note of when it gets detected first. Repeat this process for all three zones. (Left, center, right). When the detection heights differ, the loop might be damaged. Like the distance test, a helthy ProChip should be detected at knee height, and the BibTag at shoulder height.

No flaws detected?
Great! your Loop is good to go! Remember to repeat these test regularly to prevent inconveniences on your event.

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